I knew today was going to be something special! Especially since we awoke with the most spectacular view of the Sea of Galilee.
Tali Versano Eisman started our program today with a heartfelt, moving talk about resilience. Tali is a psychotherapist and is the director of a resilience centre which focuses on equipping kids with the tools to cope with the threat of war that is every Israeli’s reality.
There was not a dry eye in the house!
Lori Palatnik then gave us some useful pearls of wisdom in her talk on shalom bayit. She is so engaging and relatable that you can’t help but be inspired.
We made our way to the mystical town of Tsfat. Tsfat is one of the 4 holy cities of Israel. It certainly lived up to its reputation of being magical, mystical and spiritual.
Our visit to the most beautiful and unique Tsfat Mikvah was truly moving. What makes it so unique is that it is the only Mikvah in the world that has facilities to assist physically disabled women. This enables them to fulfill this very personal spiritual Mitzvah. These innovations highlight Israeli ingenuity!
After some shopping in Tsfat we started our journey today to the holiest of holies- Jerusalem!
Natalie Schaffer from Yerushalayim
