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Join the PHC Community

Hillel would say: Do not separate yourself from the community. (Pirkei Avot 2:4)

The Perth Hebrew Congregation (PHC) has been at the heart of the Perth Jewish community for more than 128 years – and is a strong, Modern Orthodox congregation. 


Criteria for membership is defined in the Constitution.

Membership Benefits

  • Membership includes a dedicated seat in shule on the High Holy Days.

  • Members who have paid dues in full or have a payment commitment plan in place enjoy discounts on bookshop purchases (excluding books and special offers) and shule events (excluding fixed price and communal events).
  • Members are entitled to use the shule facilities (including shule, kitchen, foyer and grounds) for simchas (bris, bar/bat mitzvah, wedding) at no charge.

  • Members do not pay for Bar / Bat Mitzvah classes and services, marriage preparedness and wedding services, funerals and consecrations


A person may apply for an Associate Membership if they fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  • they live overseas or interstate

  • they are a 100% fee paying member of another Perth-based Orthodox shule (membership at other shule must be at least $500/yr paid in full) and/or

  • they are a past PHC member who is currently a permanent resident in a hospice facility or aged care home

Associate Membership does not include the benefits and complementary services listed above, but does include the following benefits:

  • Associate Members do not pay for consecrations and

  • Associate Members are entitled to pensioner concessions as per pensioner concession policy and criteria

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