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Highlights 2017

Lag Ba'Omer - 13 May 2017

This year the PHC and Carmel joined forces in celebrating Lag Ba'omer which saw over 70 upper high school students participate! Students enjoyed a huge BBQ (and roasted marshmallows of course), heard insightful stories around the bonfire and watched a professional flame and fire entertainer in action.

Looking forward to building on this event for next year.

Rabbi Meltzer Addresses the Younger Generation - 14 May 2017

A decent sized crowd of the 25-45 year old age group gathered at the home of Adam & Pnina Levine on Sunday evening to meet Rabbi Alon and Rebbetzin Meltzer who were visiting from Canberra.  

During the evening Rabbi Meltzer spoke on a variety of topics including his background, his vision as a Rabbi and the areas in communal life that he believes he could have a big impact on.  People then had an opportunity to participate in an informal Q & A session around some of the issues that he had raised.  We thank the Levines for opening up their home and for hosting this event.

Purim 5777

On Purim day Perth Hebrew Congregation, Dianella Shule, Chabad WA, Habonim Dror and Bnei Akiva co-hosted a communal Purim party in the Breckler Garden behind the Jewish Centre.  The event was the first communal Purim party in many years and was well-attended by members of the community who came dressed up in bright and exciting costumes.  


Exciting rides, delicious snacks and treats and a variety of different Purim games and activities ensured that there was something fun and engaging for everyone – and for those who had not yet fulfilled the mitzvah of hearing the megillah, Rabbi White read the megillah a number of times to give everyone the opportunity to do this.  We hope to bring the community together again next year to celebrate Purim and look forward to seeing even more families there.         

Law Week not weak at PHC!

This year’s guest speaker at PHC’s annual Law Week event gave us much food for thought about our legal system.  This year Perth Hebrew Congregation and the WA Society of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers shared the event and neither was disappointed.  Besides the delicious savouries and snacks prepared by Michal Shmuel, we were treated to a very thought provoking and interesting address by Professor Paul Fairall, Foundation Dean of Law at Curtin University.

His topic was ‘Criminal Law Reform, Back to the Future.’  After being introduced by the chairperson for the evening, Paul Mendelow, Professor Fairall explained to the audience how the different states of Australia had different criminal law codes.  He then explained the problems and anomalies this creates as well as the history of how these different criminal law regimes came about for each jurisdiction. 


Plenty of discussion ensued after the Professor Fairall’s talk which  itself was  entertaining and thought provoking.  A vote of thanks was given by Miriam Sauley, President of the WA Society of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers after which Rabbi David Freilich presented the guest speaker with the book, “Not in G-d’s Name” by Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on behalf of the congregation in gratitude for Professor Fairall giving of his time to address the gathering in honour of Western Australia’s Law Week . 


Thanks must also go to Syd Berinson for ensuring that the function had plenty of “spirit” which he served.  All in all, another memorable Law Week function at the Perth Hebrew Congregation.

Rabbi Freilich

The above photo shows from left to right, lawyer Barry Ebedes, who made some interesting observations as a criminal lawyer, Professor Paul Fairall,  Rabbi David Freilich, Barrister Paul Mendelow who chaired the evening on behalf of PHC president Julian Sher and lawyer and President of the WA Society of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers Miriam Sauley.

Whisky and Wine Winter Warmer

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