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Page Number Guidelines for Services



Do you sometimes wonder where we’re up to in the service?  Do you sometimes lose the place during the service?  If so, then you can get help from the PHC’s Section Indicator.

The Section Indicator is a black stand that is placed next to the Aron Kodesh.  It has large black numbers on it that show where we are up to in the service.  To make sense from it, you need a section table like the sample to the right.

The section table for each siddur and machzor shows the page number in that siddur or machzor that matches with the section shown on the Section Indicator.  For different siddurim and machzorim you need different section tables, which can be printed from the links below and inserted into your siddur or machzor.  

Shabbat Service

For the Shabbat morning service there are section tables for the following siddurim:

Singer (All editions),      Tehillat HaShem,  Hertz,  Metsudah,

ArtScroll & ArtScroll Transliterated, Chief Rabbi’s Siddur

Chaggim / Machzorim
There are also section tables for each festival for the following machzorim

Routledge / Adler, Russian Machzor, ArtScroll & ArtScroll Transliterated

Birnbaum (Combined volume & separate volumes)

As a PHC member you can download the relevant section tables below

The PHC recognises and appreciates the tremendous effort of Dr Norm Hoffman OAM in the conceptualisation  and development of the section indicator project.

© 2024 Perth Hebrew Congregation Inc. 

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